First Name
Last Name
What is/are the purpose(s) of your website?
For example, will you be using your website as the main tool for gaining clients and reaching your audience?
Are you in need of brand/content strategy or copywriting?
Meaning - do you need someone to write the verbiage for your website or formulate new content flow/organization? If so, please specify how much of the strategy/content will already be provided by you (if any at all). *NOTE* All written content, provided imagery or graphics (logos, etc) will be required before starting the web design process.
Please check the following navigation items that you want implemented into your website.
Team Page (with bio's)
Sub-Categories of Services
Sub-Categories of Portfolio Items
Are there any items you would like to add that are not listed above?
(Include Sub-Categories here as well)
Will you need any of the following specialty functions for your website?
Event / Registration Capabilities
Newsletter or Email System
Search Functionality (sitewide or only for blog)
Will you need any other specialty functions for your website not listed above?
Have you already selected a web hosting provider? If so, list that provider here. If not, will you need our assistance in doing this?
I.E. Squarespace, WordPress, Shopify, Showit, etc.
Have you already purchased a domain name and/or emails associated with a domain name? If so, please list those here, as well as, the company they were purchased through. If not, will you need our assistance in doing this?
I.E. GoDaddy, Bluehost, Squarespace,, etc.
Will you need photography for your website? If yes, stock photos or custom photography?
Are there any competitors that you want to distinguish yourself from? If yes, please list below.
Are there any websites that have inspired you and that you would like for me to keep in mind while designing?
Are there any specific design elements that you would like to incorporate into your website?
If you have any other general comments or questions about your website, please write them below.